L A Johannesson

Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

L A Johannesson - Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

author bio

LA JohannessonL. A. (Linda) Johannesson recently diverted from a 20+ year corporate career in marketing and communications to experience the fresh challenges of independent novelist and publisher.

She’s ecstatic about launching her breakout novel  chronicling one woman’s unpredictable and entertaining quest to find love through online dating –  eloves me, eloves me not is now available.

Linda is hard at work on book number two, My Social Life, while she also juggles a number of communications consulting and fiction editing projects. Her greater aspiration is to author a series of successful contemporary romantic comedies that pair the latest in technology with women who are confident, accomplished and sensual creatures – think romantic fiction with a geeky twist!

A Canadian, originally from Toronto,  she now calls Sydney, Australia home. She travels often and happily shares her home and heart with the Aussie bloke she met in writing class and their Golden Retriever.


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