L A Johannesson

Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

L A Johannesson - Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

Online Dating Sites

In no particular order – here are a few the online dating sites on offer globally…


OkCupid A mix of social networking, compatibility-testing and online dating, OkCupid is an unusual free dating site in that it allows its members to create  questions like eHarmony or Chemistry.


My Single Friend 

The place for those well-meaning types who can’t believe their best friend is single. They push your qualities so you don’t have to.



RSVP Australia’s largest online dating service for singles. Not only does it boast over 2 million members, 1,000′s of singles join it everyday. RSVP also offers a huge range of singles events and activities around the country.



Eharmony Takes a scientific approach to love – eHarmony matches singles based on key dimensions of compatibility proven to be the foundation for a long-term relationship, like character, intellect and values.

www.eharmony.com www.eharmony.ca www.eharmony.co.uk



LavaLife allows users to join under a variety of different dating personas that can be connected or kept separate at the users’ choice (Dating, Relationships and Intimate Encounters).

www.lavalife.com.au www.lavalife.com



Plenty of Fish POF as it is known to its forum users), as it is considered to be the first successful free dating site model on the Internet.



Match.com Match.com consistently ranks as one of the largest dating sites in the world.



Chemistry.com Chemistry.com is an unusual and highly entertaining dating site for those interested in compatibility matchmaking websites.



Friend Finder Webcam chats, an online magazine and plenty of Good Housekeeping-style tips and advice.



The net’s biggest Jewish dating service, with often hilariously self-deprecating personal descriptions.



Probably with the broadest reach of the hundreds of lesbian and gay sites on the net, plus news, features, travel tips, fashion and gossip.



SinglesNet Many of the dating site lists posted by the top research companies (Hitwise, Comscore) tout SinglesNet as one of the biggest, most trafficked dating sites on the internet today.



SinglesWarehouse This UK baed international site is free to join, and with over 3.5M members and 2.0+ communications per day, there’s some serious singles traffic here.



SmarterDating Another UK-based site boasting high traffic and free to join. You can IM members, signup using facebook and create video profiles.



Christian Connection Launched in September 2000, Christian Connection is the largest, and longest established subscriber based UK Christian dating site.



Muddy Matches If you’re partial to the country life – then this rural Online Dating Site for Single Farmers, Rural Singles, Equestrian Singles and Country Friends could be the place for you.



Zoosk The romantic social network that found its feet through Facebook, it helps people create and share their romantic journeys, with a multitude of members from around the globe enjoying the service each month.



Telegraph Dating With over 90,000 members – it’s THE place for people aged 40+ to meet. It’s easy to use with a sophisticated system that matches you and your partner on a multitude of likes and interests and best of all – it’s free to join.



Adam4Adam One of the busiest, most well-trafficked gay dating site on the internet today.



Lovestruck.com Fancy a date in your lunch hour? If you’re in London you can search for members by tube station.



Dating with a scientific approach – finding “the perfect match” through online psychometric testing.



Shaadi.com Claiming to be the world’s largest online matrimonial site – it was founded with one simple objective – to provide a superior matchmaking experience to Indians all over the world.



Saga Connections Because dating’s not just for the youngsters….The over 50s are one of the fastest groups of online daters these days…



Dating Vegetarian If you are looking for a kindred soul that just so happens to also be a veggie lover, this site is worth a nibble.



Dating Direct Newly merged with Meetic, the giant of the dating scene, giving access to nearly 20 million users across Europe and with plenty of high-tech ways to find them.



Flirtbox Simple, straightforward and free UK personals site – hugely popular.



Love Arts Matching singles who love the arts.



Happy Hedonist Swingers Website and Swingers Club is your online destination to meet and connect with other people who share in your same interests



Dating For Parents Where you don’t have to worry about mentioning the little nippers.



Green Singles Personals for those in the environmental, vegetarian and animal-rights communities and people who value the outdoor life.


Have I missed your favourite? Have more to add? Send your suggestions to datingsites@lajohannesson.com

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