L A Johannesson

Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

L A Johannesson - Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

Spreading the Love around Toronto

While in Toronto I had the chance to connect with a group that’s “nuts about walls, street art, urban art, new art & graffiti.” They live in and love Toronto and the wonders of its urban geography. They launched Free Art Fridays, where each Friday they provide clues to hidden art treasures around the city.

I thought it was an innovative and worthwhile initiative, so I autographed three copies of  eloves me, eloves me not and donated them to the project.

On October 25, 2013 it was our turn.

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The three Toronto free ‘eloves me, eloves me not’ giveaway locations were:

  1. Hotel Le Germain
  2. The Drake Hotel
  3. The Old MIll

For those of you who ‘found’ these books, I hope you enjoy them. I’d love to know who you are and what you think about the story.

And thanks to http://wllnttz.com/ for helping to spread the love throughout my favourite city.

Like you said, if only real love were this easy to find!



“A book every man should read,” says author M. Joseph Murphy

It’s reviews like this one that remind me why I love to write, why I love to tell stories, why I must continue on the author path and why I must share them with as many different people as possible. mjm

Thank you M. Joseph Murphy for your kind and supportive words. From one author to another, it means so much to hear your feedback.

You can see the full post it all right here on his blog.

Not only does Joseph share a great review, a bit about the author, he did a quick author interview with me during The Word on the Street Festival and has included it too.


Enough about me! If you’re a reader of the urban fantasy genre, check out Joseph’s debut novel, Council of Peacocks, Book One in the Activation Series.

council of peacocks

It’s a tale of good over evil, the evolution of the human race and saving the world. Its comes complete with a colourful cast of sorcerers, demons, humans and reptilians that move the story at a engaging pace, with many a battle for power and ultimate supremacy.



Click here for more eloves me, eloves me not reader reviews.

I’d love to hear what you think too – have you shared your review on Amazon, Goodreads, iTunes?

eloves me, eloves me not’s Word on the Street, Toronto debut was a Stellar Success!

The Word on the Street Festival in Toronto certainly delivered on its promise!IMG_3367 

We had a great day connecting with other authors and services dedicated to the literary world.


I met fans and readers, shared insights about the book, took photos with friends old and new.

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catherine and LA

And I even sold some books to curious readers and gave away some Aussie schwag.

Thanks to everyone who came out, those who bought books, those who took photos, interviewed me, brought me flowers, promoted the event through social media and to those who brough us Timmies and especially to my friend Wendy who, as she’s been since the day we met, was there beside me from start to finish.

Thank you! You are all priceless treasures! And, when it comes to friends and fans I am truly blessed. xxx

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