L A Johannesson

Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

L A Johannesson - Romantic fiction with a geeky twist

Singles Warehouse is giving away an autographed ‘eloves me eloves me not’ for Valentine’s Day

Singles. This one’s for you. Win a Signed Copy of eloves me, eloves me not - Singles Warehouse

Jonathan, the MD from Singles Warehouse, a fab international dating site (operating in UK, Canada, USA, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland)  was kind enough to feature an ‘eloves me, eloves me not’ giveaway on the site this week.

With the lead up to Valentine’s Day, we thought it would be nice to share a little ‘eloves me, eloves me not’ love with those folks, who, like Kayte, are trying their hand at online dating.

I wish everyone good luck in the contest and with their online quest.  Here’s hoping you find all the ‘elove’ you desire!

Oh, and guys, think this is just for the ladies?

Jonathan had this to say about the book, “Don’t be fooled, this book is not just for the girls. In fact if you are a guy looking for insight into how the other side thinks whilst dating this is a great find.”

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